Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble

Natural Wonders of the British Isles

A cruise from Liverpool to Portsmouth

26th June - 8th July 2021
After so many cancelled holidays due to the pandemic, this last minute trip was very welcome. There were only 49 passengers on the ship (out of a possible 118) due to the restrictions and we were unable to land in Scotland or the Isle of Man. Nevertheless, we had a most enjoyable cruise and really did appreciate the natural wonders of the British Isles.

Instead of creating a separate page with lots of images for each day, I have tried to do something different this time, by creating separate videos instead. These are a merge between our own photos and videos and the material that was given to us by the expedition team. I'm not sure I would do it this way again, but it was interesting doing some experimentation.

26th June - Liverpool
27th June - Rathlin Island and Giant's Causeway
28th June - St Kilda
29th June - Shiant Islands
29th June - Loch Torridon
30th June - Staffa
30th June - Mingulay
1st July - Larne & Glenarm Castle
2nd July - Anglesey : South Stack & Plas Cadnant Garden
3rd July - Fishguard and St Davids
3rd July - Skomer and Grassholm
4th July - Lundy
5th July - Tresco, Isles of Scilly
5th July - St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly
6th July - Bryher, Isles of Scilly
6th July - St. Agnes, Isles of Scilly
7th July - Fowey
8th July - Portsmouth
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble