Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble

November/December 2015: South Africa: Two reunions


The first reunion was organised to mark forty years since our last year of secondary school in 1975. The event was meticulously planned and was most enjoyable. Some people travelled long distances to see their former classmates. I had kept in contact with a few people in the intervening years. Nevertheless, there were many people that I had not seen since our shared school days.

Most of these pictures were not taken by me. They were sent to each of us after the event. I have included many of them here (not all!), with a big thank you and all credit to Chevaughn for her excellent work.
Jackie and Bruce
Lorraine, Michael, Peter (being hugged by Lolly) and Kim
Lorraine and Peter
Kim and Michael
Bruce, Peter, Lolly and Michael
Angela and Jackie
Bruce and Karen
Kyra and Illse
Peter, Debby and Lolly
Neil, Michael, Illse, Kyra, Bruce, Clive and Peter
Linda, ?, Steve, Theo and Angela
Illse and Bruce
Avril, welcoming us all.
Please Miss...!
Kim and Peter

Three lovely photos of "The Golden Girls", Karen, Debby, Lolly and Avril. Without them, the event would never have happened. By all accounts, their shared sense of humour came in very useful during both the planning and execution phases!

A big thank you to all of them (and to their families, who were roped in to help too)
Avril, with her talented daughter Chevaughn, who was responsible for the lovely photographs.
Ok, so from here on, these are my own photos.

The second reunion, held a few days after the first, was much less formal. A few of us met at a restaurant with Jenny, her mom, Olga and another friend of theirs, Kay. Once again, it was many years since we had last seen one another and we had a lovely evening.

(Thank you, Jenny, for a few of these images)

Karen and Kim

Peter and Ollie
Ollie and Karen
Lorraine and Bruce
Jenny and Peter
Michael and Jenny
Michael, Jenny & Peter
Kim and Lorraine
(clockwise l-r) Kim, Lorraine, Bruce, Jackie, Kay,
Michael, Jenny, Peter and Karen
Bruce and Jackie
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble